June 9, 2020 – Teaching Roundtable #1


In our first discussion, we shared our concerns and challenges for developing and teaching remote versions of field and lab-heavy courses (face-to-face, fully online, and hybrid versions to offer flexible learning options) — e.g., equipment sharing; difficulty replicating the group experience in a fully online format; uncertainty of parameters.

Some strategies, solutions, and tools we discussed on June 9th include: 

  • Planning for remote labs/field exercises (given the uncertainty around COVID restrictions and students’ ability to be present ‘in class’), and supplementing with face-to-face optional field trips whenever possible.
  • For remote field sessions, planning for a synchronous beginning-of-lab introduction and a synchronous end-of-lab wrap-up/de-brief to maintain some of the community around lab activities and to best achieve learning objectives.
  • Using a GoPro (or other camera) to record field activities for students who are unable to participate in person.
  • Curating existing video content and remote lab exercises to incorporate into our courses, rather than ‘reinventing the wheel’ (if/when possible).

We agreed to focus Part 2 of this discussion (during the week of June 22) on sharing more concrete ideas, tools, and resources, and collaboratively strategizing how to be proactive about this kind of course re-development. We may also discuss video-editing and the utility of ‘homemade’ video content vs. existing produced video content from outside sources.

June 9, 2020 – Recording  (also embedded and viewable above)

Part 2, coming soon …

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